Corey Taylor: ”Saatan siirtyä syrjään Slipknotista jossain vaiheessa”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 25.2.2016

Slipknot Corey Taylor 2016Yhdysvaltalaisen metallin jättiläisen Slipknotin vokalisti Corey Taylor on antanut hiljattain haastattelun Daniel P. Carterin luotsaamalle ”Someone Who Isn’t Me” -nimiselle radio-ohjelmalle, jossa Coreylta on kysytty tuntuuko hänestä joskus kiertueilla olemisen tuntuvan ylitsepääsemättömän raskaalta. Corey on haastattelussa todennut Slipknotin keikkojen olevan fyysisestu melkoisen raskaita 42 vuotiaalle laulajalle bändin valtavan energian takia ja epäillytkin ehkä jättävänsä yhtyeen jossain vaiheessa tehdäkseen muita asioita musiikin saralla. Voit lukea Coreyn ajatuksia aiheesta tästä:

”You know, honestly, if you’d asked me a year ago, I would have said no. But, I mean, just now… I’m just kind of starting to… I’m forty-two; I’m not young anymore. And as willing as my will is, I’m just beat up, man. I mean, I might as well be 60 in SLIPKNOT years, for Christ’s sake.”

”I don’t know if I would retire. I might step away from SLIPKNOT at some point, just because the way the music is, and that sense of energy, I don’t know if I could be able to do that into my fifties. And I would never want the band to feel like I was holding them back, because I just couldn’t physically do it. So that means I wouldn’t completely quit music; I would probably just step away from SLIPKNOT.”

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Kysyttäessä kuinka Corey itse näkee Slipknotin musiikillisen suunnan tulevaisuudessa Corey kertoilee seuraavaa:

”It’s something me and [SLIPKNOT percussionist and mastermind] Clown have talked about; me and Clown have talked about that a bit… where the band is going to go. Because we’ve done it — we’ve done the crazy shit, we’ve done… At some point, we’ll have to evolve again. ’Cause we’ve evolved with every album. At some point, it has to mean something other than just the fucking insanity. And I think, in a lot of ways, it does now, but we’re all still young enough that we can pull it off physically. So it’ll be interesting to see, ’cause I think, in the future, we’ll make it less about the angst and the insanity and more about the creativity, because there’s so many creative people in this band that… I mean, fuck, man, we could make, you know, twelve albums of just crazy, gnarly shit and it wouldn’t have to be just balls-out war every time. So, I mean, it’s definitely something we’re thinking about. But at the same time, I mean, you just never know. You just never know.”

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