Corey Taylor: ”Toivon olevani osa Slipknottia siihen asti kunnes laitan maskin naulaan”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.11.2023

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Slipknotin laulaja Corey Taylor on kertonut tuoreessa BBC Radio 6 Musicin haastattelussa toivovan olevansa osa yhtyettä aina siihen asti kunnes ripustaa itse maskinsa naulaan. Taylor on haastattelussa joutunut tekemään valinnan joko soolouransa tai Slipknotin väliltä ja vaikka tällä hetkellä ilmeisesti kelkka kallistuukin soolouran suuntaan on Slipknotilla silti aina erityinen paikka laulajan sydämessä ja hän toivookin olevansa osa yhtyettä aina siihen asti kunnes itse ripustaa maskin viimeisen kerran naulaan. Taylor jakoi ajatuksiaan aiheesta seuraavasti:

”Interesting. I’m going to say solo, only because I’m starting it right now. And I’m really starting to kind of find myself in it. ’Cause it really essentially started as an experiment. I had all these songs that I wanted to share with people, and I really couldn’t give them to either band. So it was, like, ’Okay, well, we’re just gonna have to create a third option.'”

He continued: ”SLIPKNOT is something that can never be replaced in my heart, can never be replaced in my life, and I sincerely hope that I’m a part of it until I hang the mask up. But the solo thing, there’s so much that I can play with, and I’m afforded the freedom and the luxury to be able to create, song-wise, that it’s exciting to me every time I think about it. And maybe that’s just because I’ve spent 25, 27 years now, in SLIPKNOT that I am so excited about this shiny new toy or whatever. But I’ve explored so much in SLIPKNOT and it excites me to think about what’s next for SLIPKNOT. But when it comes to this, it can be even more personal than I’ve allowed myself to be with SLIPKNOT. And it could be just because of my age as well. I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve tried almost everything, and yet here I am, 25 years ostensibly after my first real release, and I’m still trying to break new ground musically and doing it in a way that doesn’t feel forced, doing it in a way where the song is still king and really try to put my heart into it. And I think my solo career is going to be responsible for that. And I think that’s going to inspire me to open up even more in SLIPKNOT down the road. As I get older, I’m less likely to hold things back and more likely to try — and not just to kind of overpower people with it, but to share it. Which is completely different.”

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