Corey Taylor: uuden musiikin huonous on syy laittomaan lataamiseen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 10.1.2011

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalli yhtye Slipknotin laulaja Corey Taylor on jälleen avannut sanaisen arkkunsa ja kommentoinut nykymusiikin tilaa sekä syitä alati rehottavaan piratismiin ja laittomaan lataamiseen. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Corey Taylorin mietteitä lataamiseen sekä musiikin tämän hetkiseen tilanteeseen liittyen.

“I have a completely different take on this from a lot of other people. A lot of people in the industry want to blame downloading for the state of [the music business], but I think that if most music wasn’t shit to begin with people wouldn’t be downloading this stuff for free.”

”Seriously, who the fuck wants to risk hard-earned money on music that’s maybe 98 percent crap? I’m not going to. And I still buy new albums. People ask what my favorite new album is and nine times out of 10, I don’t fucking have one. Music is garbage.”

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Vuonna 2008 antamassaan haastattelussa Corey Taylor kommentoi musiikin tilaa seuraavasti:

”Why would you blame [people who download music]? Half the fucking albums that are out there are shit. I don’t download, but at the same time, I don’t buy new music ’cause it all sucks. Okay, there’s a handful of bands that I buy, but other than that, I just buy old shit because old shit is good. Sorry!”

”People wanna blame the decline of album sales on downloading, I think it’s actually the record companies’ fault,” he added. ”I think it’s the quality of the product. If record companies would stop giving any fucking mook on the street with a fringe a record deal or their own record label, maybe you would sell more fucking albums, dipshits.”

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