Corey Taylorin: ”Live In London” nyt nähtävillä YouTubessa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.1.2018

8. toukokuuta 2016 Slipknotin ja Stone Sourin keulamiehenä tunnettu Corey Taylor soitti oman akustisen soolokeikkansa Lontoon Kokossa. Nyt tämä kyseinen keikka on nähtävillä ilmaiseksi miehen omalla YouTube-kanavalla. (Video linkattu jutun loppuun)

Lontoota Taylor on kommentoinut seuraavasti:

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”London is a city that holds a special place in my heart and I’m so happy this night was captured for you all to see. It was certainly a show I will always remember.”

Kyseisen keikan settilista pitää sisällään useita covereita sekä Taylorin omia tuotoksia.

01. ”I’ll Be Your Lover, Too” (VAN MORRISON cover)
02. ”Bother” (STONE SOUR song)
03. ”Friend Of The Devil” (GRATEFUL DEAD cover)
04. ”Snuff” (SLIPKNOT song)
05. ”Taciturn” (STONE SOUR song)
06. ”SpongeBob SquarePants Theme” (PAINTY THE PIRATE & KIDS cover)
07. ”Zzyzx Rd.” (STONE SOUR song) (with Christian Martucci)
08. ”Have You Ever Seen The Rain?” (CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL cover) (with Christian Martucci)
09. ”Dying” (STONE SOUR song) (with Christian Martucci)
10. ”Hard Luck Woman” (KISS cover) (with Christian Martucci)
11. ”The Travelers, Pt. 1″ (STONE SOUR song) (with Christian Martucci)
12. ”Tired” (STONE SOUR song) (with Christian Martucci)
13. ”The One I Love” (R.E.M. cover) (with Christian Martucci)
14. ”Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve)” (BUZZCOCKS cover) (with Christian Martucci)
15. ”30/30-150″ (STONE SOUR song) (with Christian Martucci)
16. ”Lovesong” (THE CURE cover) (with Christian Martucci)
17. ”Farm Song” (LIFE SEX & DEATH cover) (with Christian Martucci)
18. ”Name” (GOO GOO DOLLS cover) (with Christian Martucci)
19. ”Folsom Prison Blues / Mystery Train / American Nightmare (with Christian Martucci)

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20. ”The Conflagration” (STONE SOUR song) (with Christian Martucci)
21. ”Through Glass”(STONE SOUR song) (with Christian Martucci)
22. ”Take It Easy” (EAGLES cover) (with Christian Martucci) (preceded by ”Free Bird” tease)
23. ”Spit It Out” (SLIPKNOT song) (preceded by ”Never Gonna Give You Up” tease) haastatteli Tayloria jossa mies mainitsi että häneltä kysellään koko ajan sooloalbumin perään:

”I’ve been getting questions about solo stuff forever. But it’s a good problem to have. But, at the same time, I’m in two fantastic bands. Why would I ever? Unless I wanted to get super greedy, why would I try to split off and do something else. I’m very fulfilled by the music that I get to make with both bands. Is there a solo album in me? Yes. But it’s not gonna be for a few more years.”

Jokin aika sitten Corey Taylor kertoi myös että miltä hänen mahdollinen sooloalbumi saattaisi kuulostaa:

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”For me, the stuff that I write is, it would be like a cross between the Foo Fighters, Social and The Replacements, you know. I mean, real Midwestern rock. Real, just open chords, good time rock, you know. And damn the critics, basically. That’s the stuff I write and that’s the stuff I’ve always tried to write.”

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