Corpsegrinder lataa takaisin Chris Barnesille: ”Olen erittäin ylpeä tämän hetken death metal -scenestä”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.2.2022

Entisenä Cannibal Corpsen laulajana sekä Six Feet Underin multakurkkuna tunnettu Chris Barnes kertoi hiljattain vihaavansa sitä suuntaa mihin death metal on menemässä katsottuaan Knotfest-tapahtuman moderoiman podcastin yhdessä eri death metal -vokalistien kanssa.

Podcastiin osallistuivat Cannibal Corpsen George ”Corpsegrinder” Fisher, The Black Dahlia Murderin Travor Strnad, Gatecreeperin Chase Mason ja Undeathin Alex Jones.

Nyt Cannibal Corpsen Corpsegrinder on tuoreessa Little Punk Peoplen videohaastattelussa heittänyt piikin takaisin Chris Barnesin suuntaan ja kertonut olevansa erittäin tyytyväinen kuinka monimuotoinen death metal -scene on tänä päivänä. Corpsegrinder kertoi death metal -scenestä seuraavaa:

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”Gatecreeper’s pretty cool. I saw a band Frozen Soul, I saw them. There’s a bunch of bands going out here now. The scene is just as healthy as it’s ever been. It’s just as great as it’s ever been. It’s not dead, it’s not terrible, I’m proud of the death metal scene today. I’m so proud of it, I think it’s amazing. I think there’s so many great bands. Look, we’re going out on tour with Revocation and Whitechapel, and you know – two awesome, great bands.”

”The scene couldn’t be better. And anyone who thinks otherwise, you know – kiss rocks. Because I’m so proud of the death metal scene. I encourage everyone to go out and you know, listen. Listen to the old bands. Of course. The old way paved the way. Go listen to Possessed. They’re the first death metal band, okay? Go listen to them and listen to everything between. Listen to Kreator, who I think are kind of the bridge between death and thrash that, without Kreator there would be no Cannibal Corpse. Listen to those bands and listen to obviously the old, classic bands like Cannibal, Death, Obituary, Deicide, Morbid Angel.

”Then you have Aeon, you have Black Dahlia Murder and Dying Fetus – like I said, newer bands. Like Gatecreeper’s been around for a while, but you know… dude there’s so much great death metal going around. The scene has never been better and anyone who thinks otherwise, you know… just, you know, I don’t know what to tell you.”

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