Cradle Of Filth -vokalistin luotsaamalta Devilmentiltä uusi musiikkivideo
Englantilaisen äärimetallia soittavan Cradle Of Filthin vokalistin Dani Filthin luotsaamalta uudelta yhtyeeltä Devilmentiltä on julkaistu Youtubeen uusi musiikkivideo kappaleesta nimeltä ”Even Your Blood Group Rejects Me”. Kyseinen kappale löytyy yhtyeen tulevalta ”The Great And Secret Show” nimeä kantavalta albumilta, joka tullaan julkaisemaan lokakuun 31. päivä Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Lue lisää katsoaksesi kyseinen video.
Yhtyeen vokalisti Dani Filth on kommentoinut videota seuraavasti:
“When we approached undertaking a video for the track ‘Even Your Blood Group Rejects Me‘, the intention was to create something very visually disturbing, yet stunning to look at, in a minimalistic monochrome context.
The idea was to really bring out the performance of the track and marry it to phantasmagorical images, all cut to the massive pounding beat. Through the inclusion of smoke, strobe-lighting, fire, Theban masks, exotic dance and silhouette, we have endeavoured to create a mystic atmosphere in which we plunged the entire studio into complete and utter darkness, so that the viewer’s full attention is focused on these aforementioned traits, set adrift against what appears to be the timeless whirls of space.
Sam Scott-Hunter the director and his assistant for the day, band photographer Dex Jezierski, both pulled out all the stops to make this video come to horrid artistic fruition, and we even enlisted the help of my wife Toni and daughter Luna for hair, angle-grinding, make-up and costume, all for the benefit of keeping our cinematic occult activities a closed secret from the unsuspecting human world.
As a band we are all extremely pleased with the outcome of our dalliance with the dark arts and hope that viewers to this visual feast will enjoy it just as much as we did weaning the video from its deep Satanic birth.”