Cradle Of Filthin kitaristi jätti yhtyeen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 2.7.2014

Cradle Of Filth 2012Englantilaisen äärimetallia soittavan Cradle Of Filthin vokalisti Dani Filth on antanut hiljattain ”Bleedin Loud” nimiselle podcastille haastattelun, jossa paljastaa yhtyeen kitaristin Paul Allenderin jättäneen yhtyeen. Hänen tilalleen yhtye on ottanut kaksi uutta kitaristia, jotka ovat nimeltään Richard Shaw (Emperor Chung) sekä Ashok (Root, Inner Fear). Lue lisää nähdäksesi Danin viesti asiaan liittyen. 

”Paul Allender has left [CRADLE OF FILTH] — which not everybody is aware of,” Dani said. ”We weren’t planning on it, because it was the kind of thing that has been, kind of, brewing for the last year or so. Not so much on a personal level, but [him] living in America [in Minnesota] and then him doing his side project [WHITE EMPRESS] and getting kind of lost in that. I know I’ve got [my own side projects] DEVILMENT and, dare I say, TEMPLE OF THE BLACK MOON, but it never really came between CRADLE; I always found time to do it. For example, the DEVILMENT album, if that comes out this year, it’ll come out, literally, the mirror’s image of when the CRADLE (album) will come out — [the DEVILMENT album will come out] about autumn, and CRADLE’s next album will come out spring next year. So the DEVILMENT and [CRADLE] won’t meet anytime soon, so that’s okay.”

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”We were doing this [European] tour with BEHEMOTH [earlier in the year] and [Paul] had some personal issues and he couldn’t do it, so we brought a Czech guy called Ashok [of Czech groups ROOT and INNER FEAR] in, who’s friends with Martin [’Marthus’ Skaroupka], the [CRADLE OF FILTH] drummer, and then an English guy, Richard Shaw [of English acts EMPEROR CHUNG and NG26], who lives in Derbyshire, and we thought, ’Well, that’s cool, ’cause he’s an English guy.’ And it was such a great tour and everybody got on so well, and these two other guys knew the band inside out, so when we started writing, which we were doing on the road — not out of necessity, but just ’cause we could — it just all came together, and it was, like, ’Wow! This is great.’… Everybody was, like, really, ’Yes! That was such a great tour.’ [It was] a bit short — it was only three weeks long — so when we came back [home], I was, like, ’Wow, we should usually just be halfway through the tour by this point.’ So being that invigorated, everybody just started writing, which has brought the album forward by a whole year. Which will please some, and annoy others.”