Cradle Of Filth peruuttaa keikkoja Euroopassa keskittyäkseen tulevan albuminsa valmisteluun

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.10.2019

Englantilainen äärimetallin legenda Cradle Of Filth on päättänyt peruuttaa neljä keikkaa Euroopassa keskittyäkseen seuraavan albuminsa valmisteluun sekä studioon siirtymiseen. Bändi on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen viestin, jonka voit lukea tästä:

”Having played literally all over the world this year, it is unfortunate that keeping the band this busy has forged an ever-decreasing window in which to fit everything in and so it is with some regret that we have to announce the cancellation of these shows. That being said, Tel Aviv will be moved to a slot next year to coincide with COF’s first tour of China. The headline show at the Entrepot in Bruges, Belgium on November 2nd remains unaffected.

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”Once again, sincere apologies for this sudden turn of events. The next thing on our very metal agenda (and the last of a busy year) is the grandiose London Palladium performance on 19th October. The nightmare before All Hallow’s Eve! And brethren. please watch the heavens for a much pleasanter CRADLE announcement later this week…”

Bändin perumat keikat:
Oct. 15 – Collosseum – Košice, Slovakia
Oct. 16 – Reithalle – Dresden, Germany
Oct. 17 – Ninkasi Gerland – Lyon, France
Oct. 31 – Barby Club – Tel Aviv, Israel

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