Cradle Of Filthin kosketinsoittaja Lindsay Schoolcraft paljastaa: ”työskentelen baarissa aina kun emme ole kiertueella”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.5.2016

Cradle Of Filth 2015Englantilaisessa metalli-yhtye Cradle Of Filthissa soittava kosketinsoittaja Lindsay Schoolcraft on julkaissut omassa blogissaan mielenkiintoisen kirjoituksen, jossa paljastaa työskentelevänsä baarissa aina kun Cradle Of Filth ei ole kiertueella. Lindsayn mukaan Cradle Of Filthista tulevat rahat eivät riitä yksin elättämään häntä ja sen takia hän tekee sivutyönä baarimikon töitä aina kun ehtii. Voit lukea Lindsayn kirjoituksen aiheesta tästä:

”I was trying to keep this under wraps because I didn’t think it was a big deal, but until now my fiery heart couldn’t keep it a secret any longer.

Yes, I have been bartending on the side when I am home and not touring.

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People are usually shocked to see me working this position and some are very predictable in their questions: “What are you doing here?” Sometimes followed by “You can do better than this.” And there is: “Cradle of Filth not treating you well?” Or “Are you even in the band anymore? You didn’t get fired or leave did you?”.

No. I can’t do any better. Because every other job in the region frowns upon leaving for six to eight weeks at a time. And I actually have done my best. I work at The Atria bar and grill in Oshawa and the owner and his staff are the kindest, friendliest, and most accommodating people I have ever worked for. I have never been treated better at any other place of employment. Plus, they care about the music scene here. The same music scene that I came from. Being able to still be a part of that and watch it grow is humbling. Many people can come talk to me face to face and ask for advice and support and I’m always happy to listen and exchange wisdom. I’m not overly fond of social media and these moments are very precious to me. I value handshakes and hugs far more over two sentences and hitting the like button.

Yes. I am still in the band and Cradle of Filth does treat me well, but it’s 2016 people. The music industry is not what it was twenty to thirty years ago and I’m one of the last few people who are crazy enough to endure it because I have a dream. That dream currently doesn’t include health insurance or enough to start saving for a possible home. My rent, car insurance, phone bills, and studio costs do not pay for themselves. And while I have many incredible sponsors I am ever so grateful for: having an image to uphold is still very expensive sometimes. There are lots of extra costs when you have a specific image in mind and I am not going to give up on these creations so easily. Even though I am a part of Cradle of Filth I am also a solo artist and I still have some investing to do in that matter. It all doesn’t happen over night anymore like it did in the nineties.

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I am not ashamed of making this choice and standing behind that bar serving drinks to my city folk every weekend. I am really proud of where I come from and what I do for a living. Even if it needs a little side income to keep flourishing. No vision or dream should ever have to suffer due to today’s societal demands and unstable economy. I know enough people who work one or two jobs already and then even have other jobs on the side. So really, I’m not doing anything differently than most other people right now.

Maybe the day will come when I won’t need to work at The Atria anymore, but I’m not at that point yet. It would be nice to have my musical endeavours so time intensive while at home that it would be like I’m working three part time jobs when I’m not touring. And at points in the year it does get that way depending on the projects. This is also my reality when on tour and my responsibilities are through the roof. But when I’m home I need something to combat the post tour blues, something to get me out of the house, out of my yoga pants, and back to the company other musicians and artists. I honestly think I found the perfect fit and I’m quite happy about it.

So whenever I’m not touring I’ll see you Oshawavians on the weekends and I’ll be happy to serve you a drink and exchange stories.”

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