Cradle Of Filthin suunnitelmissa on julkaista seuraava albumia vuoden 2024 lopussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 15.1.2024

Englantilainen äärimetallin veteraani Cradle Of Filth on julkaisemassa seuraavan albuminsa vuoden 2024 lopussa. Yhtyeen laulaja Dani Filth on paljastanut asian tuoreessa Petna Kulturkan haastattelussa kertoen aloittaneensa nauhoittamaan lauluja albumia varten. Filth kertoi haastattelussa levyn tilanteesta sekä aikataulusta seuraavaa:

”Well, strangely enough, I begin my vocals tomorrow. We started back in July, but we’ve been so busy. We’ve done loads of summer festivals and we had our annual break for holidays for everybody. Then we did a couple of weeks. So we’ve done all the music. Then I was away for 12 weeks on recording in L.A. CRADLE were playing in South America, and then we did a full American tour, co-headlining with DEVILDRIVER, the second part of that. Then I did a couple of more weeks in the studio, getting some ideas down, getting everything ready to sing. And then the producer had a baby. So we haven’t actually been back since November. And then obviously we’re only gonna be doing a couple of weeks ’cause then we go out on the road. So the album’s gonna take a bit longer than usual because we’re doing a lot of touring as well. But we’re hoping to release it by the end of the year. It’s gonna be a big record for us. [I’m] very excited about it. At the moment it’s in development stage, so we’re being very creative. I’m staying at home. I just got back from France last week where I was visiting with my girlfriend for New Year’s. And now I’m just alone in my fortress of solitude at home getting all creative and getting all prepared for the album and the tour.”

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