Cradle Of Filthissä aiemmin soittanut Lindsay Schoolcraft julkaisi Sarah Jezebel Devan kanssa yhdessä ”Stolen Ligth” -kappaleen

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 19.9.2021

Englantilaisessa Cradle Of Filthistä soolouralle lähtenyt  julkaisi ”Stolen Light” -kappaleen, jonka on teki yhteistyössä Sarah Jezebel Devan kanssa.

Schoolcraft kertoi, että kappale käsittelee henkilökohtaisen voiman keräämistä pitkän, julman ja loukkaavan parisuhteen jälkeen. Hän muistuttaa sitä, että sanallinen ja tunteellinen pahoinpitely voi aiheuttaa yhtä pahat seuraukset kuin fyysinen pahoinpitely.

“This song is about taking back your power after enduring a long and grueling abusive relationship. Often verbal and emotional abuse is overlooked compared to physical violence, but the after effects have proven to be equally as fatal in the long run. Sarah and I bonded over our shared struggles we’ve faced in the music industry and this song is an ode to our perseverance, strength, and triumph in taking back our careers and love of singing and creating music.

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This track could have not been possible without the mega talents of Tyler Williams at Monolithic Productions and orchestrator Spencer Creaghan. Thank you always for putting up with me and my crazy-ambitious projects.

And last but not least, to Sarah. For being a fighter, a champion, a legend, and an all around awesome person and brilliant artist. You praise me too much for your return, but I haven’t thanked you enough for being such a pivotal influence on me and a singer and musician. From a distance your voice has pulled me through some darker days and now your friendship has changed me for the better. Thank you for inspiring ‘Stolen Light’ and for all that you have given us through your voice, lyrics, and performances.”

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