Create Avoid kiinnitetty Blkheart Groupille

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 22.3.2011

Kaliforniasta ponnistava hardcore -yhtye Create Avoid on solminut sopimuksen Blkheart Groupille. Yhtye on muutaman vuoden kestäneellä taipaleellaan julkaissut jo kokopitkän ja seuraavaksi olisikin vuorossa EP. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin kommentit kiinnitystä koskien.

Create Avoid is very excited to announce its signing to BlkHeart Group. I’ve known Jason [Mageau, label founder] personally for several years and have worked with him on a professional level on a variety of projects. It’s really fun that we’re finally getting to work together on something that one of us is involved in musically. As someone who been around music along time I’ve seen few people as motivated as Jason and I feel that he’s really making great strides in the world of heavy music. Create Avoid is about fun, positive, heavy tunes and BlkHeart backs what we’re about and we’re excited to release some new material and do some touring this fall.

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