Cro-Mags toteutti siirretyn keikkansa karanteeniesityksenä: katso bändin esitys kokonaisuudessaan livevideolta
Monen muiden bändien tavoin hardcore-legenda Cro-Mags joutui koronaviruksen vuoksi siirtämään keikkaansa New Yorkissa. Bändi siirtyi pikaisesti SIR-studioon ja soitti The Quarantine Show -nimellä livesettinsä videolle. Nyt Cro-Mags julkaisi karanteeni-show’n faneille katsottavaksi kokonaisuudessaan.
Yhtyeen laulaja Harley Flanagan kommentoi konserttinauhoitetta:
”I am glad we were able to give you all a free concert in this time of quarantine. I would not have been able to do it without my team and I would like to thank them. These are the times we have to find new ways to help each other. We as people can’t let the fear turn us against each other. Stay strong, be smart and stay safe!”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Muusikko muistuttaa, että kaikkien on oltava varovaisia ja opittava elämään tässä poikkeavassa tilanteessa. ”Pysykää turvassa ja vahvoina ja olkaa viisaita”, hän muistuttaa.
”I am very unhappy that the show with Body Count this weekend was postponed by Governor Cuomo – I was really looking forward to it, but I am more sad for the many people who are going to be out of work for who knows how long, and for those who have become ill from this terrible disease. We all must take extra precautions these days, but we will learn how to deal with this like we have learned how to deal with deadly diseases in the past. Be safe, be strong and be smart. The show will be rescheduled, and life will go on. Eventually we will all be ’killed by death’ just ask Lemmy. If it’s not one thing it will be another, but life will go on. And so will this show.”
Katso Cro-Magsin karanteeni-show:
Karanteeni-show’n settilista:
1. We Gotta Know
2. Down But Not Out
3. World Peace
4. Show You No Mercy
5. No One’s Victim
6. Steal My Crown
7. These Streets
8. Street Justice
9. Death Camps
10. Don’t Talk About It
11. Hard Times
12. Apocalypse Now