Crossover thrashin legendan Leewayn laulajalla Eddie Suttonilla keuhkosyöpä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 19.2.2021

Vuonna 1984 Astoriassa New Yorkissa perustetulla crossover thrashin legendan Leewayn laulajalla Eddie Suttonilla on todettu keuhkosyöpä. Sutton on viettänyt viimeisen viikon ajan sairaalassa erilaisissa tutkimuksissa ja lääkäreiden mukaan syöpä on hoidettavissa. Sutton on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen viestin faneille ja voit lukea sen tästä:

”I spent a full week in the hospital getting all tests necessary and the doctors feel this can be treated. They at first found a malignant mass on the top part of my right lung which is the culprit that caused me pain for over 2 weeks before I walked into an ER. I didn’t have any healthcare at the time [and] I’m now trying to acquire state healthcare (Medicaid) because this is going to be expensive even with healthcare

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”I need the help of my friends and family more than ever and I hope each of you know how much this means to me. I have a lot to look forward in life still and I don’t want to leave this world in such a condition.

”My love and respect to you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.”

Suttonin sairaalakuluja varten on aloitettu rahoituskampanja GoFundMe:n kautta.

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