Crowbarin basisti erotettiin tekstiviestin välityksellä

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 13.6.2016

Crowbar 2016 2Uutisoimme kesäkuun 6. päivä yhdysvaltalaisen sludge metalia soittavan Crowbarin erottaneen bastistinsa. Alle kolme vuotta yhtyeessä soittanut Jeff Golden kertoo tuoreessa House Of Tortured Souls -haastattelussaan, että erottaminen tapahtui tekstiviestin välityksellä. Hän kertoo aiheesta seuraavaa:

”It wasn’t a surprise at all. I actually knew it was going to happen, and I actually knew that’s what that phone call was about. There was a phone call first, then we said it was all going to be worked out, and then I get a text message five minutes later saying I was fired. So, no, it wasn’t a surprise at all. I heard rumors about three months ago that the original guy [Todd ’Sexy T’ Strange] was back, and when I brought it up, they [CROWBAR] said it was just a rumor and it wouldn’t happen and they definitely wouldn’t do that to me. But, yeah, I could tell something was up, and it was said in one of the comments that it was told to me, but it was never told to me. I found out through Facebook.”

Kun mieheltä kysyttiin, mitkä syyt johtivat eroon yhtyeen mukaan, hän vastasi:

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”Ah, they gave me a few reasons, none that really were enough to — that I would think — to be let go, and I’ll just leave it at that. I was told a few reasons. I’m still friends with one of the guys in the band. He and I always got along and will keep that friendship going. You know, it’s like Kirk [Windstein, CROWBAR frontman] said on his post, ’A band is like being in a relationship. Sometimes it doesn’t work out.’ It’s like sometimes business is business, and friendship is friendship. I just think the way it was handled was poor. I mean, only one of the guys and I remain friends, and that’s just the way it is for now. Maybe later everything will be cool, but for now it’s… I’m just going to focus on my new music thing. And they’ve got Todd, so it’s going to work out for everyone in the long run.”