Crown The Empire jatkaa viisihenkisenä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 9.11.2015

Crown The EmpireYhdysvaltalainen metalcore-yhtye Crown The Empiren kitaristi Benn Vogelman erosi viime viikolla. Yhtyeen tuoreesta päivityksestä käy ilmi, ettei bändi aiokaan korvata kitaristia vaan jatkaa uraansa 5-henkisenä. Lue yhtyeen sekä Vogelmanin kommentit täältä.

Bändi on kommentoinut asiaa lyhyesti toteamalla jatkavansa kvintettinä:

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“Crown will remain a 5 piece. Don’t worry, we aren’t going anywhere. We’re just getting started…”

Vogelman taas on julkaissut pidemmän viestin eroamiseensa liittyen blogissaan:

“As some have noticed, I’ve been absent from the band’s lineup recently. We’ve grown, and I’m exploring a new direction. It’s a good thing for me. There’s no bad blood between us.

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Coming of age as a part of Crown The Empire provided an education I could never have imagine in school; living the dream playing music with my best friends. The guys in Crown The Empire are family. We spent four years fighting to make our dreams come true.

Those guys played a big part in shaping who I am today. I’m extremely grateful for all I learned from them, and all we went through together.

I was 17 and the youngest member of the band when I joined Crown The Empire in October of 2011. It’s been an amazing last few years. We we essentially grew up together. We played shows for massive crowds all over the world, and were given the opportunity to do what we love for a living.

I also hat the opportunity to help write and produce a Top-10 record. Getting that news was one of the proudest moments of my live. I could never have imagined the journey I would be embarking once I was asked to join Crown. It was a true brotherhood.

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To all the fans that have come to CTE shows, bought our records, and/or been a part of this crazy ride with us over the last few years, I can’t thank you enough. It was one of the most amazing times of my life. I know a huge part of that dream coming true was made possible by your loyal support. All of us absolutely thrive on your energy when we’re performing.

I’m sure you’ll continue to show the band that love. The energy you all give back is incredibly powerful. I wish the band all the best.

We’re young, we tend to grow in the areas that we are passionate about. My personal growth has begun taking me down a different path.

One thing is true, we have one life. We have the power to choose what path we take. I live to push myself past what I and others thing I’m capable of. I’m now eagerly looking toward the future.

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