The Crownilta uusi albumi tammikuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 18.9.2014

The Crown 2014Ruotsalainen thrash / death metallia soittava The Crown on asettanut tulevan albuminsa nimeksi ”Death Is Not Dead”. Yhtyeen tuleva albumi tullaan julkaisemaan tammikuun 12. päivä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi albumin tiedot sekä yhtyeen viesti albumiin liittyen.

The Crown Death Is Not Dead Yet 2014Albumin kappalelista:
01. Reign
02. Headhunter
03. Iblis Bane
04. Eternal (PARADISE LOST cover)
05. Struck By Lightning
06. Speed Kills (Full Moon Ahead)
07. Herd Of Swine
08. Horrid Ways
09. Ride To Ruin
10. Meduseld
11. Godeater
Bonus CD on limited digipack edition:
01. We Come In Peace (Piece by Piece)
02. Agent Orange (SODOM cover)

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”So, what’s new in THE CROWN camp? Well, in just a few months we are celebrating our 25th anniversary in the name of death metal.

”Can you believe it? 25 years filled with blood, sweat and tears and one hell of a pile of good albums to be really proud of.

”But this celebration is not only to look back and be nostalgic. It’s also to embrace the very bright future of this band. We feel great at the moment and we will make 2015 the best year so far.

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”Do you wanna join the ride? Well, then don’t hesitate to continue to read.

”We know that a lot of you folks out there have waited and waited for some new shit but guess what!? The wait is over.

”For the past two years, we have worked really hard writing and recording our new album, ’Death Is Not Dead’, and it’s finally ready to be unleashed upon mankind January 12, 2015.

”’Death Is Not Dead’ is something that we’re extremely proud of. We truly hope that you will dig it and give it the support that it needs and deserves. We have definitely done our best to produce a death metal classic.

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”For those who can’t wait for 2015, we will release our very first seven-inch single ever with the track ’Headhunter’ on October 27, limited to 1000 copies. Pre-orders start on September 29. B side for this single will be our version of ’Unfit Earth’, originally recorded by NAPALM DEATH.”