Cry Of The Afflicted ilman kitaristia
Kitaristi Steve Lockhart on jättänyt kanadalaisen rock -yhtyeen Cry Of The Afflictedin. Lue lisää nähdäksesi viralliset viestit sekä bändiltä että Steveltä itseltään.
Bändin viesti:
Hey everybody, we have a very important announcement to make – we are sad to say that our long-time guitarist Steve Lockhart is going to be leaving the band following our upcoming show on the 12th of December. It is important that everybody knows that we all continue to be great friends and that that will not change. We sincerely wish the best for Steve in all of his future endeavors, and he will always be a part of the band family. To everyone in the local area – we encourage you all to come out to the show on the 12th to give Steve a great send off! Thank you all for your support – it means the world! Here are a few words from Steve-O:
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Steve Lockhartin viesti
Dear friends and fans,
At this time I would like to announce that December 12th at the Habitat in Kelowna will be my last show as a member of Cry of the Afflicted. Over the last few months I have felt my heart leading me in a new direction than where the band is going, and after many discussions as a band we decided that it is best for me to part ways with them.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyThe past 4 years have been the best of my life and as sad as I am to see this stage of my life end, I know it is for the best and I am excited to see what is in store for me, as well as the rest of the guys. I have had many amazing experiences, made so many friends, and feel blessed to have had the opportunity to share the stage with so many talented bands.
Though we will no longer be band mates, Garrett, James, Nik, Troy and I are all still friends and I wish them all the best and will continue to support them in any way I can. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us and supported us in the past. I love you all very much.
Please come out on December 12th and help make my last show one to remember!
God bless,
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyySteve Lockhart