Cyhra siirtymässä studioon syksyllä nauhoittamaan toista albumiaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.6.2018

Ruotsalainen pop metal -yhtye Cyhra on siirtymässä studioon syksyllä nauhoittamaan järjestyksessään toista albumiaan. Yhtyeen laulaja Jake E on paljastanut asian tuoreessa Yesterdazenewsin haastattelussa ja kertonut tulevan albumin olevan musiikillisesti samantyylistä debyyttialbumin ”Letters To Myself” kanssa. Aiheesta Jake on kertonut seuraavaa:

”It’s really exciting and scary at the same time. I think we will do a continuation of what we did on [the first] album. And what we learned from touring, what you keep learning on tour, is how did your songs work in front of a live audience? And some of the songs that we did for ’Letters To Myself’, [they are] amazing songs, but they don’t have that thing that needs to be in a live set. And that’s something that we felt [was] a little bit tricky, because there’s one or two songs on the album that doesn’t really work live. Maybe they’re too similar, maybe they’re too slow. In a live set, you always need to think about the tempo — you go up, you go down a little bit, go up and then you hit the climax at the end of the show. So that’s what we’re working on a little bit more — to make the songs a little bit more live-friendly. But music-wise, lyrics-wise, it’s gonna be… you know, the hooky parts. You’re gonna know that it’s CYHRA when you listen to it.”

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