Cynicin rumpali paljastaa yhtyeestä eroamisen syitä
Uutisoimme sivustolla viime viikolla ensin yhdysvaltalaisen progressivista metallia soittavan Cynicin rumpalin Sean Reinertin päätöksestä lopettaa yhtye ja sen jälkeen yhtyeen kitaristi / vokalisti Paul Masvidalin päätöksestä jatkaa yhtyettä. Nyt yhtyeen hajottamisesta puhunut rumpali Sean Reinert on antanut aiheen tiimoilta haastattelun Metal Injectionille, jossa selventää hieman omaa näkemystään yhtyeen hajoamisesta. Voit lukea Seanin mietteitä aiheen tiimoilta tästä:
“Pretty much when the musical preparation and performances were not up to par. I am able to put personal issues aside from the music, but when music suffers; it’s time to call it”
“That was just the icing. There has been quite a bit of tension for several years. I had gotten into a pattern of being passive on the business end and when things got bad I turned to alcohol. It was a bad cycle. Now that I’ve been out of that cloud for almost a year I’m seeing and feeling the damage. I’m to blame for letting that happen, but I don’t have to continue under those circumstances any longer now that I can see how toxic our relationship had become. And yes we had discussed his lack of practice even back to last summer’s US tour.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy“He (Paul Masvidal) would have to perform under a different name or get a signed agreement with me in order to legally use it. At the moment there is no such agreement. I am not claiming it, therefore he cannot. Cynic just plainly ceases to exist at this point, as an active band. Obviously, the catalog will remain.”