Dance Gavin Dance vetäytyy tauolle
Yhdysvaltalainen post-hardcore -yhtye Dance Gavin Dance on ilmoittanut siirtyvänsä tauolle. Syy taukoon on bändin vokalisti Jonny Craigin jatkuvat huumeongelmat. Craig joutui vankilaan viime viikolla ja joutuu vastaamaan syytöksiin huumeiden hallussapidosta. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin kitaristi Will Swanin virallisen viestin aiheesta.
”We tried multiple times to get him to agree to rehab. After Warped Tour we gave him the option of going to a rehab facility for at least a month at no cost to him. He wouldn’t go. We didn’t see much of him for a few weeks and when we did, he seemed to be getting worse and worse. After our show at Sacramentio State last week, we realized he wasn’t going to get off the drugs while being in DGD. We didn’t want to completely cut him off though, so we decided to go on hiatus until he could clean himself up.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I hope the best for Jonny. Hardcore drug addiction is no joke or reason for ridicule. If Jonny can put this problem behind him, we’d be glad to come back stronger than ever. Until that happens DGD will stay on hiatus.”