Danny Careyn mukaan ajatus Toolin ”Undertow”-tyylisen albumin tekemisestä on ”aika houkutteleva”
Progressiivista metallia esittävän Toolin jäsenet keskustelevat tuoreessa Revolver -lehden haastattelussa suunnitelmistaan koskien uutta albumia. Yhtyeen edellinen levy ”Fear Inoculum” julkaistiin vuonna 2019.
Basisti Justin Chancellor kertoi Revolverille uudenlaisesta kiireen tunteesta, jonka ikä on tuonut yhtyeelle:
“It’ll be different this time. Everyone’s life is different, and everyone’s expectations are different. Time is precious now, so you try and look for ways to be more efficient with the process. We’ve had a lot of discussion about that and how we can bring a new record to fruition in a slightly different way.”
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Rumpali Danny Carey lisäsi:
“Our filter system is pretty intense. If it gets by the four of us in the band, then we figure it’s going to work. It’s a really painstaking process that we go through to finish [an album], and get it where we are all completely convicted. It pays off in the long run because we never really get tired of performing our songs. It gives rise to a vehicle that we can all believe in.”
“Who knows? It could flip-flop and we could just go back to doing an ‘Undertow” [type of] record. That’s kind of appealing to me. I always like change, whatever direction it goes”