Dark Tranquillity soittaa tulevan ”Moment”-albuminsa livenä kokonaisuudessaan striimikeikalla marraskuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.11.2020

Ruotsalainen melodista death metalia soittava Dark Tranquillity julkaisee marraskuun 20. päivä Century Media Recordsin kautta uuden ”Moment”-nimisen albuminsa. Yhtye tulee soittamaan tuoreen albuminsa tiimoilta heti seuraavana päivänä 21. päivä marraskuuta striimikeikan, joka kuvataan bändin kotikaupungissa Göteborgissa sijaitsevassa Stora Teaternissa. Yhtyeen laulaja Mikael Stanne on kertonut striimikeikasta seuraavaa:

“We are thrilled to announce that we are doing a show! We will be performing our new album in it’s entirety the day after it’s release straight from Storan here in the heart of Gothenburg. And we want you all to join us via the stream.

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This of course is the weirdest time we as a band have been through and to release an album without going out around the world to play it is nothing short of heartbreaking. But knowing that you guys are at home, staying safe and turning our stream up to the appropriate metal levels will let us know that you’re out there and will make this night truly special for us.

This being as close as we can physically get to you all this year we aim to make the most of it. We have a full production show prepared for you on the most beautiful stage in the city and having you with us through the technical magic of streaming means the world to us. Enjoy the show and we hope to see you all very, very soon.

Mikael/Dark Tranquillity“

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