Darkend julkaisi uuden singlen ”De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis”

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 30.5.2024

Italialainen black metal -yhtye Darkend on julkaissut toisen singlen tulevalta albumiltaan. ”De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis” -single sai seurakseen musiikkivideon. Kappale löytyy yhtyeen ”Viaticum”-albumilta, joka julkaistaan 14. kesäkuuta Time To Kill Recordsin kautta.

“’De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis’ is the Eye of Awareness observing itself, in a Time beyond time and in a Space beyond space. In its serene and ever-capturing Gaze, the living dead perpetually aiming to devour the Incarnated Miracle is banished from all planes of Existence and thus deprived of any of its illusory power. Entirely composed by Animae, the song develops through riffs and melodies that embody both the strength of that Fire incinerating the ego as well as the touching uproar of the River of Being finally free to flow without boundaries.
Light from where there’s no Light. Living Water to the rotten flesh”.

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