Darkest Hourilta uusi albumi helmikuussa: Ensimmäinen single ”Perpetual Terminal” kuunneltavissa
Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Darkest Hour on julkaisemassa seuraavan ”Perpetual Terminal” -nimisen albuminsa helmikuun 23. päivä MNRK Heavyn kautta. Yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu musiikkivideo levyn nimikkokappaleesta ja voit katsoa videon alapuolelta. Yhtye kertoo tuoreesta albumistaan sekä levyn nimikkokappaleesta seuraavaa:
“This is a whole Darkest Hour album in one song. It felt like the perfect album opener, eventually became the title track, and therefore is the perfect place to start as we present this new album to the world. Lyrically, it touches on all of the themes of the record — an album centered around the duality of survival and rebirth. Or, you could just say, some new music from old friends who just won’t ever give up.”
“The record’s theme centers around the duality of survival while embracing rebirth. We keep killing parts of ourselves to make new parts and survive. The story of the record is the story of the band. We’re still here, and we’re giving the world a body of work that’s representative of our music today. We’ve realized relationships, tours, good times, everything that seems to give life meaning, is terminal — and will inevitably end. Nevertheless, we’re 46-year-old dudes who love this music enough to put up with the trials and tribulations of being artists in a touring band.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
- Perpetual | Terminal
- Societal Bile
- A Prayer to the Holy Death
- The Nihilist Undone
- One With the Void
- Amor Fati
- Love is Fear
- New Utopian Dream
- Mausoleum
- My Only Regret
- Goddess of War, Give Me Something to Die For