Darkest Hourin entinen kitaristi jätti Joey Jordisonin luotsaaman Vimicin: lyttää Joeyn tuoreessa kirjoituksessaan
Yhdysvaltalaisessa Darkest Hourissa ennen soittanut kitaristi Kris Norris on jättänyt Slipknotista tutun rumpalin Joey Jordisonin luotsaaman yhtyeen Vimicin ilmeisen riitaisissa merkeissä. Norris on julkaissut Jordisonille kohdistetun viestin oman Facebook-sivunsa kautta ja voit lukea sen tästä:
“When I decided to quit Vimic I did it on my own terms, for various reasons I will not reveal here. I left everything there. My guitars, my clothes, my life. Due to legal obligation because a certain someone feels that after I wrote and recorded his whole CD and on top of that 31 songs plus, I am not entitled to what is mine. Guess what, tonight I got one of my guitars back…come after me. I am only in this for my son.
Come after me when you sent me a text that said ‘fuck your son’ you lost me and I will find a band and move on. I am over you and I cannot wait until the rest of the world knows. I told you I would not hesitate to say my piece. You cannot hide behind money. Money is not the be all end all. Truth, family. That is and for the fact you called me family… fuck you.”
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