Dave Grohl paljastaa: ”En vieläkään pysty kuuntelemaan Nirvanaa”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 24.5.2018

Foo Fightersin keulahahmo ja entisen Nirvana-yhtyeen jäsen Dave Grohl on kertonut GQ:n haastattelussa, ettei oikein vieläkään pysty kuuntelemaan Nirvanan musiikkia. Kurt Cobainin kuolema oli nuorelle Grohlille kova isku, joka laittoi elämän tukipilarit uusiksi:

“When Kurt died, every time the radio came on, it broke my heart. I don’t put Nirvana records on, no. Although they are always on somewhere. I get in the car, they’re on. I go into a shop, they’re on. For me, it’s so personal. I remember everything about those records; I remember the shorts I was wearing when we recorded them or that it snowed that day. Still, I go back and find new meanings to Kurt’s lyrics. Not to seem revisionist, but there are times when it hits me. You go, ‘Wow, I didn’t realize he was feeling that way at the time. Nirvana, for me, was a personal revolution. I was 21. You remember being 21? You think you know it all. But you don’t. I thought I knew everything. And being in Nirvana showed me how little I really knew. They were some of the greatest highs of my life, but also, of course, one of the biggest lows. Those experiences became a footing or a foundation on how to survive.”

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