Dave Mustaine kommentoi Megadethin Grammy-palkinnon noutamista Metallican tahtiin: ”En edes huomannut kyseessä olleen heidän kappaleensa”
Hiljattain Los Angelesissa järjestetyssä Grammy-gaalassa kävi kiusallinen moka, kun thrash metal legenda –Megadeth nouti uransa ensimmäisen palkinnon ”Best Metal Performance” -kategoriassa nokkamies Dave Mustainen entisen yhtyeen Metallican tahtiin. Mustaine on sittemmin kommentoinut tapausta vetoamalla Megadethin musiikin olevan kenties liian haastavaa gaalan taustayhtyeelle. Mies on nyt keskustellut aihees Radio.com-sivustolle antamassaan haastattelussa, jossa hän paljastaa, ettei edes huomannut kyseessä olleen Metallican kappale. Mustaine kertoo:
“You know what? I didn’t even notice it. It just sounded like some music in the background. The funny thing is that when I went back and listened to my acceptance speech, and I heard the song, I was like, “Wow!”
Everyone was asking me, “What about the Metallica thing?” And I said, “I didn’t hear it, I just saw it.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy“How could you not have heard it?” I didn’t know what they were talking about. I thought that they were talking about Metallica’s performance. Because we split [after the pre-televised awards]. By the time they did their thing with Lady Gaga, we were across the street eating dinner.
So I went back and listened to my acceptance speech and I went, “Wow!” I didn’t mind them playing it at all, it’s a house band, and they’re doing cover songs. They were probably saying, “We don’t know any Megadeth songs, how about if we do a Metallica song?”
But when I went back and listened to it, I was like, “Oh my God, that’s the worst version of ‘Master of Puppets’ I’ve ever heard in my life!”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Taustayhtyeen kappalevalintaa hän kommentoi seuraavasti:
“They could’ve done a Cyndi Lauper song! [laughs] I was just happy to be up there. It’s about being recognized. We all want so badly, when we pick our careers as kids, to be the best at what we do, and when you choose to be a musician, the stakes are much different. The way they “grade” us, the way they hold us in esteem, how you tell who is better than who.”