Death Angel -rumpali Will Carroll voittamassa taistelun koronavirusta vastaan: vietti koomassa kaiken kaikkiaan 12 päivää

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 4.4.2020

Julkaisimme sivustollamme hiljattain uutisen, jossa kerroimme yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -veteraani Death Angelin rumpalin Will Carrollin joutuneen hengityskoneeseen taistelussa koronavirusta vastaan. Nyt Will on itse julkaissut sairaalasta ensimmäisen päivityksen, jonka mukaan hän oli koomassa kaiken kaikkiaan 12 päivän ajan ja kävi todella lähellä kuolemaa mutta nyt taistelu koronavirusta vastaan on ilmeisesti kääntymässä voitoksi. Will kiittää vuolaasti päivityksessään faneja ja kanssamuusikoita saamastaan tuesta.

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”’Rumors of my death have greatly been exaggerated’. I thought I’d start this post with a Mark Twain quote. But in all seriousness I can’t over express how everyone’s outpouring of love, support and positive energy was so important to me. Without getting too spiritual or sappy I honestly think you saved my life.

When I was in a coma I was for 12 days your positive energy somehow got me through. I know I’m strong and resilient but not that strong.

During my coma the doctors told me they had to pump my lungs of all fluid which was the equivalent of 5 pounds of beer they thought I was a goner for sure.

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It’s a hell of feeling talking to people who thought you weren’t going to make it. It completely blew my mind when I got a message from one of my idols Jay Jay French from [TWISTED SISTER]. A man who I don’t even know. Maybe he saw a picture of my TS tattoo. That just shows he’s pure class.

You know when I was a kid I used to think TS’s lyrics were ’Fuck you, it’s us against them’ but maybe that’s a bit shortsighted I think they’re more about the value of life and not squandering it.

As I start this new chapter of my life I look forward to getting my chops back up to speed and getting some new files from Mr. Rob Cavestany which will eventually be DA’s 10 record. Until then I have the arguas [sic] task of Learning to walk and eat solid food.

I love you all and thank you.”

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