Death Angelin rumpali Will Carroll hengityskoneeseen: taistelu koronavirusta vastaan jatkuu

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 28.3.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -yhtye Death Angelin rumpali Will Carroll sai koronaviruksen, kun bändi oli Testamentin ja Exoduksen kanssa Euroopan-kiertueella.

Kuluvalla viikolla huhut kertoivat hänen vointinsa kohentuneen, mutta ilmeisesti näin ei ole. Testamentin laulaja Chuck Billy, joka myös sai kiertueella covid-19-tartunnan, kertoi Trunk Nation -medialle rumpalin joutuneen hengityskoneeseen.

Chuck Billy kertoi tilanteesta ja oireista. Kiertueella olleista useimmat kokivat väsymystä, kipua kehossaan, rintakipua ja hengästymistä. He kaikki yrittivät jäljittää tartuntapaikkaa. He pohtivat sen olleen lentokentällä, sillä Testamentin kitaristi Eric Peterson, rumpali Gene Hoglan ja kitaristi Alex Skolnick kulkivat eri reittiä eivätkä saraistuneet. Joskaan tartunnan ajankohdasta ei olla täysin varmoja; se on voinut iskeä edellisenäkin iltana.

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”Will had to go to the hospital. He’s in ICU on a ventilator right now… I believe he was the first one to test positive [for COVID-19], and then myself and a couple of crew guys. And I know Gary [Holt] and his wife tested; I think they’re still waiting for the results. But a lot of us [experienced] the same feeling — just feeling really tired, body aching, chest tight and short of breath.

And we all kind of had the same feeling, so we were just waiting for the first one to get the results to back to realize, if it’s the same thing, we probably all might have it. So we’re just waiting on Gary‘s [results] now. The other guys — Alex [Skolnick] and Gene [Hoglan] and Eric [Peterson] — all three of those guys feel just fine; they haven’t had any of the symptoms.

We’ve tried to trace it. We were asking questions, and they still don’t have a lot of the answers for it. They don’t know how long the contagious period is. They don’t know when you get it and when you become contagious. We were lucky enough that nobody was really feeling ill on the road. I believe it was right when we were leaving [Europe] to come home — it was that last day, I believe, and maybe just the airport exposure; I’m not sure.

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Eric went a different way, so he didn’t get sick. So did Gene — he didn’t get sick. And so did Alex — he stayed at another hotel. So the rest of us, maybe when we traveled through the airport, I don’t know if we got ill then. Or maybe we contracted it that [last] night — it’s just hard to say. You can’t really put a finger on it.

But we do know that we were feeling fine in Europe. It’s just once we got home, within that 24-hour window, among all three bands, we were all talking to each other and people were feeling ill. So I would think maybe the last couple of days of the tour, maybe we all contracted it somewhere.”