Death Angelin Will Carroll: ”Uskon todella, että jokin korkeampi voima pelasti minut”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.5.2020
Death Angel Will Carroll 2020

Julkaisimme sivustollamme maaliskuun lopussa uutisen, jossa kerroimme yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -yhtyeen Death Angelin rumpalin Will Carrollin käyneen todella lähellä kuolemaa jouduttuaan teho-osastolle Euroopan-kiertueelta saadun koronavirustartunnan vuoksi. Jopa lääkärit pitivät Carrollin selviytymistä pienenä ihmeenä.

Nyt mies on itse kertonut Facebookissa julkaisemassaan päivityksessä uskovansa jonkin korkeamman voiman pelastaneen hänen henkensä. Carroll kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”To make things clear. I’m not some holy roller all of a sudden. I won’t be attending church every Sunday and I won’t be quoting scripture. I still like and have an interest in evil music, movies, art and literature. But this experience was quite frightening to the point where I truly believe a higher power saved me. What that higher power is I haven’t quite figured out.

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I strongly believe that everyone’s collective prayers and positive energy played a big part in my recovery. Before this nightmare I didn’t think something like that was possible and I know for sure that Satan had nothing to do with me being alive today. The vision I had was horrifying and it will stay with me forever. But let’s not get carried away with the God thing.

I’m still going to listen to satanic metal, and I still love Deicide and bands like that. As far as for my personal life and my experience of what I went through, I don’t think Satan’s quite as cool as I used to.”

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