Death metal -jyrä Misery Indexin tänään julkaistu albumi striimattavissa kokonaisuudessaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.3.2019

Yhdysvalloista ponnistava death metal -yhtye Misery Index julkaisi tänään uuden ”Rituals Of Power” -nimisen albuminsa Season of Mist Recordsin kautta. Bändin tuore albumi on nyt laitettu kokonaisuudessaan striimattavaksi YouTuben kautta, voit kuunnella albumin tästä:

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Bändi on kertonut levystään seuraavaa:

“‘Rituals Of Power‘ is a disavowal and warning against the consequences of our so-called ‘post-truth’ age. Each of the 9 songs revolves loosely around this theme, yet each track also stands very much on its own. As an album however, they are all brought to life as one ‘reanimated’ monster; it’s roughly 35 minutes of unhinged, yet cohesive, riff-driven aural ballistics.

We were pissed off and on fire during both the writing and recording, and we think it shows in spades. We set out to write the best album we could, based on what we would want to hear first as fans of this music, and we could not be happier.”

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