Siege Of Power

Death metal -superkokoonpano Siege of Power kiinnitetty Metal Blade Recordsille

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 8.6.2018
Siege Of Power

Muun muassa Autopsy-, Asphyx- sekä Hail Of Bullets -jäsenistä koostuva death metal -partio Siege of Power on allekirjoittanut sopimuksen Metal Bladen kanssa. Vuonna 2013 perustettu bändi julkaisi yhden splittilevyn ja vajosi sitten hiljaisuuteen. Viime vuonna bändi kuitenkin herätettiin henkiin ja uusi albumi ”Warning Blast” ilmestyy syyskuussa.

Bändiin kuuluvat laulaja Chris Reifert (Autopsy, Violation Wound, Abscess, Painted Doll), kitaristi Paul Baayens (Asphyx, ex-Hail of Bullets, Thanatos), basisti Theo van Eekelen (ex-Hail of Bullets, ex-Houwitser, ex-Grand Supreme Blood Court) sekä rumpali Bob Bagchus (ex-Asphyx, Soulburn, ex-Grand Supreme Blood Court).

Yhtye kertoo vaikuttajikseen bändit kuten Carnive, SOD, Discharge sekä Amebix.

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Chris Reifert:

”Well, this is pretty fucking cool. Metal Blade was one of the early metal labels I discovered as a young teenager while questing for the next heavy thing and I discovered tons of bands through their regular album and EP releases as well as the highly influential Metal Massacre series. My history with MB is deep, whether they know it or not and here we are now working together at last. Hell yeah!”

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Bob Bagchus:

”The name Metal Blade is metal magic to me. Always has been since my early pubic years. Names such as Metallica, Slayer, Trouble, Hallows Eve are as strongly connected to Metal Blade as to my childhood when I first got into metal. Being signed by them with Siege of Power is a great feeling and perhaps the crown of my ’musical’ career!”