Decapitatedilta vastine levy-yhtiön viestiin, jonka mukaan tapaus maksamattomista rojalteista oltaisiin jo käsitelty

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.6.2016

Decapitated2014aJulkaisimme sivustollamme hiljattain uutisen Decapitatedin päätöksestä haastaa oikeuteen entinen levy-yhtiönsä Earache Records maksamattomien rojaltien takia. Levy-yhtiö julkaisi pian tämän jälkeen vastineen bändille, jossa ilmoitettiin että kaikki maksut on maksettu ja tämä tapaus on puitu jo kerran oikeudessa. Nyt Decapitated on julkaissut uuden vastineen, jonka mukaan näin ei kuitenkaan ole ja juttu on menossa oikeuteen kunhan bändi saa ensin kasaan rajat juristia varten. Voit lukea viestin tästä:

“In response to Earache‘s statement issued on Monday – 27th June, 2016.

The only thing that is garbage is the terrible failure by Earache to properly account, pay royalties and to have left us in a position where we need to pursue legal action in order to enforce our rights.

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In reply to Earache’s statement – there was no court case – what actually happened is that we served Earache with a formal request for payment of what we believed to be due. Hoping to settle the matter with Earache without going to court, we agreed to withdraw the demand. The court decided nothing and did not even consider the claims. Predictably, and despite Earache’s undertaking to do so within 28 days in September last year, we’re still waiting! So we are now raising funds to instruct a lawyer to pursue our claims.

You might have also noticed that we’ve withdrawn the limited edition t-shirt/ tops that we planned to sell to help us raise funds for the case. This is because Earache immediately sent us a cease and desist letter to stop us using the artwork on them, despite us having the blessing and support of the original artist who created the “Organic Hallucinosis” album cover. If only they would act as quickly for serious matters.

It’s disappointing, but unfortunately not surprising, that Earache would rather waste time and money being obstructive and uncooperative instead of simply paying their bands what is due (yes, sadly we are not the only band Earache have treated appallingly and/or haven’t paid, but more on that later!) Fear not though, as we will be releasing limited edition tops with new artwork on our website ( soon.”

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