Dee Snider: ”Twisted Sister oli yksi parhaista livebändeistä ikinä”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 25.1.2021

Yhdysvaltalainen rockyhtye Twisted Sister soitti uransa viimeisen keikan vuonna 2016, ja laulaja Dee Sniderin mukaan bändin päätös uran lopettamisesta tulee todennäköisesti myös pitämään. Nyt Dee on antanutFox Newsille haastattelun bändin upeasta urasta ja kertonut pitävänsä yhtyettään yhtenä parhaista livebändeistä mitä tällä planeetalla on koskaan nähty. Dee Snider kertoi yhtyeen energisistä adrenaliinin täyteisistä keikoista seuraavaa:

”TWISTED SISTER was one of the greatest live performing bands of all time. We went and decimated so many festivals and so many concert arenas, and so many bands we opened up for. We were lethal.

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And Lemmy Kilmister, shortly before he died, he said to me, ’Dee, you’re one of the three greatest frontmen I’ve ever seen. And the greatest at talking to the audience.’ I had to communicate with the audience. And Lemmy, he was a man who roadied for Jimi Hendrix and saw THE BEATLES at the Cavern Club. He knew about frontmen. But it’s frustrating that we weren’t at the top long enough for people to really come to know that.

Fortunately, after we reunited, more people came to know that. We were reunited longer than when we were together the first time, which was weird… People are seeing that there was more to this band than just the moment in the sun that we had in the ’80s. And we were significant, influencing a lot of upstarts in the Northeast, BON JOVI and SKID ROW and CINDERELLA and OVERKILL and ANTHRAX and PUBLIC ENEMY.

Chuck D said, ’If it wasn’t for TWISTED SISTER, there would be no PUBLIC ENEMY.’ He used to come to see us in the clubs, and we were just this rebellious, in-your-face, fuck-you band. And he said it inspired him to go and put together a rebellious, in-your-face, fuck-you hip-hop act. So, people have come to realize, ’Well, this band had more significance than just a couple of songs and videos on MTV.'”

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