Deep Purplen Don Airey paljastaa nauhoittaneensa bassot Judas Priestin ikoniselle ”Painkiller” -albumille

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 7.11.2020

Englantilaisen rockin legendan Deep Purplen kosketinsoittaja Don Airey on ehtinyt uransa aikana soittaa mm. Gary Mooren, Ozzy Osbournen, Judas Priestin, Black Sabbathin, Jethro Tullin, Whitesnaken, Saxonin, Wishbone Ashin, Steve Vain, Michael Schenkerin, Rainbow:n, Thin Lizzyn, Brian Mayn, sekä Living Loudin albumeilla. Don Airey on tiedetty tähän asti nauhoittaneen koskettimet Judas Priestin ikoniseen ”Painkiller” -albumiin mutta nyt on selvinnyt, että Airey nauhoitti myös albumin bassot basisti Ian Hillin sijasta. Airey on paljastanut asian tuoreessa AntiHero Magazinen haastattelussa ja kertonut osallistumisestaan albumin nauhoituksiin seuraavaa:

”[Judas Priest] were so worried about it they didn’t even give me a credit, I don’t think, on the album. They paid me, which is always the point. But recently, I mean this last month or so… it’s a wonderful album, Painkiller.”

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”And [drummer] Scott Travis has spilled the beans about it, that all the bass parts are me playing on the mini — it’s Moog bass on the whole album; that was Ian Hill’s bass mixed in as well on parts,” continued Airey.

”But at the time Ian wasn’t very well, so he wasn’t at the sessions. So, I got made to do all the bass and they kept it. I mean, it was a funny old job. I only got to play proper keyboards on one track, I can’t remember what the track is. I just read about it yesterday that they’d actually said, I’ve never said a word about it before. I mean, it was an exciting album to do. They’re wonderful people to be around.”

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