Def Leppard -kitaristi kommentoi yhtyeen tulevaa albumia
Def Leppardin kitaristi Vivian Campbell on kertonut The Provincelle yhtyeen tulevasta albumista. Hänen mukaansa levy on monipuolinen, mutta kuulosta silti Def Leppardilta. Hän sanoi myös, että se tulee olemaan parasta, mitä he ovat tehneet viimeiseen 23 vuoteen. Albumia odotetaan julkaistavaksi ennen vuoden loppua.
”There’s a lot of talk before we make an album. With this album there wasn’t as much talking but there is an awful lot of experimentalism that goes on with a Leppard record. Once we find our direction, we’re very quick.
Everybody brings something to the table. I’m not as verbose as the other guys. I’d much rather be hands-on.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyI was there for the first session and I was there for the third. I missed the second session and, in a way, I’m glad I did. It was the toughest.
It’s diverse, but it all sounds like Def Leppard. It’s the best album we’ve made in 23 years. If the band had continued to be a hard rock band it would have been successful. But we’ve been able to progress and still we’ve been true to our hard rock roots. We’re one part AC/DC and one part Queen.
Frankly, candidly, we could go year after year playing our hits. A record for us is kind of a loss leader. A new record is something we do for us.”