Deftonesin Chino Moreno bändin tulevasta ”OHMS”-albumista: ”Ideana on aina luoda albumi, joka ei kuulosta edellisiltä albumeiltamme”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen vaihtoehtometallin suuruus Deftones on julkaisemassa seuraavan, ”OHMS”-nimisen albuminsa syyskuun 25. päivä Warner Musicin kautta. Yhtyeen laulaja Chino Moreno on antanut hiljattain albumiin liittyen Metal Hammerille haastattelun, jossa mieheltä on kysytty mihin albumiin hän itse vertaisi bändin tulevaa tuotosta. Chino on haastattelussa sanonut bändin pyrkivän tekemään aina musiikillisesti jotain uutta sen sijaan, että se alkaisi nojata vanhoihin jo käytettyihin ideoihin. Chino kertoi tulevasta albumista seuraavaa:

“Writing and formatting a song is not hard. But I think it’s more or less a thing of doing that, but trying not to fall into those formulas and just repeat the things you’ve done in the past.

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Even before we were doing this, every interview I would do, I was asked, ‘What’s the new record like? Does it sound like ’White Pony’? Does it sound like this?’ And it’s like, ‘no.’

I guess if I had to pick a record I could probably find one that sounds more similar, but the idea to not have a record sound like one of your past records. Obviously there’s going to be elements. I think we’re still us, and my voice is still my voice.

We all have our own characteristics. I think when you hear a Deftones song, you can tell it’s us, but the idea is to expand on what we’ve done in the past, so that can be challenging.

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There are little things that I think that we try to do to separate it from what we’ve done in the past.

Those are the challenges, and with every record that part gets a little harder. The more stuff you have in your palate, the easier it is to repeat some of those things. So the idea is to try to reach out into another palate here and there, and to pull from different influences.”