
Deftonesin Chino Moreno: ”Haluan kitarat ja rummut seuraavan albumimme keskiöön”

Kirjoittanut Samuel Järvinen - 4.10.2017

Edellisen ”Gore” -albuminsa vuonna 2016 julkaissut alternative metal -yhtye Deftones suunnittelee pikkuhiljaa jo seuraavaa albumiaan.

Revolverin haastattelussa bändin solisti ja keulakuva Chino Moreno kertoo omaavansa jo visionsa siitä, miltä seuraavan albumin tulisi kuulostaa. Morenon mukaan bändin kitaristin Stephen Carpenterin riffit sekä rumpali Abe Cunninghamin soittotyyli ovat koko Deftones -soundin ydin, ja ne hän haluaisi seuraavan albumin keskiöön. Moreno kertoo:

”We might start writing music. I’m thinking of going in the next couple months and staying with Stephen for a few days… Trying to think of different ways of writing music from scratch”.

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”On our last record he didn’t have as much to do with the writing process as I would have liked for him to have. The idea this time is to just go hang out with him for a couple weeks at his house and just record him playing guitar, take some of the riffs, whatever he makes, organize stuff”.

”But I really feel like his riffs, his guitar playing, what he does is one of the most—if not the most important part—of Deftones, what we do. Those riffs and the way that Abe plays drums, that’s the essence of what we do and I just want to bring that to the forefront”.

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