Deftonesin Chino Moreno myöntää bändin edellisen ”Gore”-albumin olleen hieman hätiköidysti tehty
Yhdysvaltalainen metallijätti Deftones julkaisee huomenna uuden ”Ohms”-nimisen albuminsa Warner Musicin kautta. Yhtyeen laulaja Chino Moreno on antanut albumistaVulturelle haastattelun, jossa on myöntänyt bändin käyttäneen tämän albumin tekemiseen kaiken tarvittavan ajan, jotta siitä tulisi mahdollisimman hyvä. Chino vertaa ”Ohms”-levyn tekoa bändin edelliseen ”Gore”-albumiin ja myöntää, että bändillä tuli hieman kiire albumin suhteen, minkä vuoksi siitä ei ehkä tullut ihan niin hyvä kuin bändi toivoi. Chino avasi aihetta seuraavasti:
”With [Gore], we had a deadline, and we don’t all live in the same city. When we get together to work, we literally have to fly into a certain city. We recorded [’Gore’] in Los Angeles, and I’d moved out of there maybe seven years ago or so.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyWhen I go back, I have to live in a hotel room and basically clock in to the studio from noon to six, which is usually the hours we would work. It was super-structured, which I didn’t mind, but at the end of the day, it was like, I’m away from home. I’m not sleeping in my own bed. I can’t cook my own food. I’m living like I’m on tour. I’m in the studio every day. We gotta get this done. But this is not my element. I’m away from home.
I think that feeling of just wanting to just finish something in a timely manner is why that record turned out in that way, where it was like maybe we weren’t there yet. Maybe we hadn’t actually explored and allowed what would happen naturally to happen. It was like, ’We have to finish this. We have enough songs. They’re done. Let’s go.’
I think we learned from that process. Luckily, we’re at a point in our career where we can take our time, especially these days, where we’re all in a holding pattern. We were able to finish the songs [this time] and explore all the avenues.”