
Deftonesin ystäville iloisia uutisia: ”Tulevan albumimme julkaisua kaavaillaan syksylle”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.6.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Deftones on julkaisemassa seuraavan albuminsa alustavasti syksyn 2020 aikana Warner Musicin kautta. Yhtyeen rumpali Abe Cunningham on paljastanut asian tuoreessa Download-festivaalin tekemässä videohaastattelussa ja kertonut bändin saaneen hiljattain valmiiksi levyn miksauksen yhdessä Terry Daten kanssa. Musiikillisesti Cunningham kuvailee albumia bändille hyvin tyypilliseksi.

Voit lukea tästä, mitä kerrottavaa Cunninghamilla on albumin tilanteesta ja musiikillisesta suuntauksesta:

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”We actually tracked everything [for the new LP] over the summer [of 2019]. Last summer — June and July — we were in the studio tracking. And we’re just taking our time. But we actually just completed everything. We were down in L.A. recording, but we mixed up in Seattle. We’re working with our old pal Terry Date, who [produced] a bunch of our earlier records. He’s up there [in Seattle]. With this while distancing thing, it was a bit rough, but we figured out a way to kind of do the mixes without being there. It’s a lot better when we’re all in the room; we can knock it out quick and argue and do our things. But, yeah, we just completed that. It’s getting mastered right now, and that’s been the main thing. So it’s been something to do in this strange off time.”

”It’s all that. It’s always hard to describe it. I’ll say this… We can’t help but sound like ourselves, but just being back with Terry, there’s certain sounds that we developed with Terry that kind of became sort of our core sounds, and those are back again.”

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