Demon Hunterilta musiikkivideo ”Died In My Sleep” -kappaleesta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 18.2.2017
Demon Hunter
Demon Hunter

Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Demon Hunter julkaisee järjestyksessään kahdeksannen albuminsa ”Outlive” maaliskuun 31. päivä Solid State Recordsin kautta. Levy on jatkoa vuoden 2014 albumille ”Extremist”. Yhtye on nyt julkaissut tulevalta albumiltaan musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Died In My Sleep” ja voit katsoa videon tästä:

Yhtyeen laulaja Ryan Clark on kertonut kappaleesta seuraavaa:

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“The video treatment for ‘Died In My Sleep‘ was more about an overall vibe than a specific story. The goal was to strip the concept back to strictly performance, but still deliver something visually interesting. Instead of opting for the typical desaturated tones that have become synonymous with metal videos, we pulled inspiration from the vibrant colors found in many of our favorite videos and photographs from the ’90s — namely Nirvana’s video for ‘Heart-Shaped Box‘ and the album cover for Alice In Chains’ ‘Facelift.’”

“With ‘sleep’ being a running theme, we wanted to create a world that seemed unordinary — almost like a computer glitch-laden subconscious. We worked with Belief Agency to built a forest set on an indoor sound stage, and used projectors to cast colors and textures against the background and on the band members. It was a lot of fun to set up and just experiment with these layers.”

1. Trying Times
2. Jesus Wept
3. Cold Winter Sun
4. Died In My Sleep
5. Half As Dead
6. Cold Blood
7. One Step Behind
8. Raining Down
9. The End
10. One Less
11. Patience
12. Slight The Odds

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