Demon Hunterilta video ”More Than Bones” -kappaleesta

Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Demon Hunter on julkaissut YouTubessa videon ”More Than Bones” -kappaleestaan. Kappale on peräisin bändin viimeisimmältä ”Peace” -nimiseltä albumilta, joka julkaistiin maaliskuun 1. päivä. Voit katsoa Andy Maierin ohjaaman videon tästä:
Yhtyeen laulaja Ryan Clark on kertonut biisistä seuraavaa:
”I was thinking of what an amazing thing music is, and the idea of preserving someone’s life beyond their death. There have been a lot of musicians’ deaths over the last few years that I’d started thinking about, whether that was Bowie or Prince or Waylon or Chris Cornell, and I thought, despite how tragic it is to lose those people, how awesome it is to have this catalog of music from each of those people. There might be people generations from now who listen to this music, and it really helps them and changes their life in some positive way. So ’More Than Bones’ is basically saying that when I leave this earth, I’ll leave you more than bones — I’ll leave you all of my thoughts and all of my hopes and dreams and my desire to connect and resonate with people through this music.”