Deserted Fear kiinnitetty Century Media Recordsille

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.4.2016

desertedfearSaksalainen death metal- yhtye Deserted Fear on solminut levytyssopimuksen Century Media Recordsin kanssa. Yhtyeen kommentin asiaan liittyen voit katsoa tästä:

“Since the release of ”Kingdom Of Worms” things went really quick and fast: touring with Morbid Angel & Morgoth, a great festival summer and awesome headliner shows! Furthermore people started talking about us besides ‘the metal regulars’ tables’ and festival camping grounds. A question came to our minds: Who will release our next record? We’ve never even thought of having the opportunity to choose! No manager and no figures should speak when it came to the final decision. We trusted our guts and our new label is Century Media Records from Dortmund, Germany!”

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