Destruction julkaisi nimikkosinglensä – uusi albumi tulossa maaliskuussa

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 14.11.2024

Saksalainen thrash metal -legenda Destruction julkaisee uuden ”Birth Of Malice” -albuminsa maaliskuussa 2025 Napalm Recordsin kautta. Tulevan albumin kansitaiteesta vastaa Gyula Havancsák. Tänään yhtye julkaisi bändin nimeä kantavan ”Destruction”-singlen, jonka musiikkivideo kuvattiin Etelä-Amerikan kiertueen yhteydessä.
Yhtye kertoo musiikkivideosta:

“We filmed this clip in Sao Paulo Brazil, one of the top-notch capitals of Metal around the globe and a city that means a lot to us as a band. We played here for the first time in 1989 and have returned countless times for amazing concerts, festivals, visits… I feel at home here. Many friends live in this crazy town. I got my first tattoo, the Release from Agony album cover, in São Paulo. We met Sepultura here the first time and the fans are simply mind-blowing!

We wanted to catch the energy of a DESTRUCTION show and appreciate the faithful fans that breathe thrash metal to the core. Without them we are nothing, the lyrics of this song honor and acknowledge our supporters, they are our backbone, they are DESTRUCTION!”

Yhtye kertoo tulevasta albumistaan:

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy

Today marks the kick-off to our WEEK OF DESTRUCTION!
Yes, you saw it coming, our brand-new album “BIRTH OF MALICE” will finally drop in March 2025 via Napalm Records!
The vicious cover-art was created by master-artist & friend Gyula Havancsák
Tomorrow we will have a sneak-peak trailer of our next single for you and Thursday the new video, that we have filmed in Sao Paulo/Brazil , will be released.
Pre-order also starts this Thursday November 14th at 4 PM CET!!!
“BIRTH OF MALICE” sounds like next level DESTRUCTION, it marks a new era of heaviness, virtuosity and feels like an oldschool punch in the gut!
Stay tuned and be a part of this wild ride!