Devil You Know saapumassa Five Finger Death Punchin lämppäriksi?

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.6.2015

Devil You Know 2015Yhdysvaltalainen parhaillaan toista albumiaan työstävä entisen Killswitch Engage -vokalisti Howard Jonesin luotsaama Devil You Know on julkaissut Five Finger Death Punchin sekä Papa Roachin kanssa kaavaillun Euroopan kiertueensa aikataulut. Aikataulujen mukaan yhtye tulisi esiintymään Five Finger Death Punchin mukana Helsingin jäähallissa 2. päivä marraskuuta. Yhtyeen vokalisti Howard Jones on kertonut tulevasta Euroopan kiertueesta seuraavaa: 

”We are beyond excited to announce we will be coming to see all our European metal brothers and sisters for a massive tour this November. The best part is that we will be there alongside the mighty FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH and PAPA ROACH! We’ve been anxiously waiting to get back to Europe for our first ever full tour, and now thanks to our good friends in FFDP it is finally happening. We will be doing meet and greets each night after our set at the merch booth and look forward to meeting as many of you as possible. Please be sure to come and say hello.

”Right now we are in the studio recording our new full-length album, so this tour is the perfect opportunity for us to feature some brand new songs live and also beware, as we might have another very special surprise at some of these shows. Get ready Europe, it’s game on!

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“Also, we will be doing only five, very special one-off headlining shows across North America during the COAL CHAMBER and FEAR FACTORY tour. If you are in those areas (see dates below), you don’t want to miss out on these intimate, extended set live shows. It’s going to be a rager. See you all very soon.”

Devil You Know Europe Tour 2015

ESKIMO CALLBOY (select dates only)

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11/2 Helsinki, Finland Ice Hall Black Box*
11/4 Stockholm, Sweden Hovet*
11/5 Oslo, Norway Sentrum
11/6 Copenhagen, Denmark Tap1
11/8 Hannover, Germany Swiss Life Hall**
11/9 Leipzig, Germany Arena**
11/11 Stuttgart, Germany Porsche Arena**
11/13 Frankfurt, Germany Jahhunderthalle**
11/17 Amsterdam, Netherlands Zenith**
11/21 Vienna, Austria Gasometer
11/25 Dusseldorf, Germany MEH**
11/26 Brussels, Belgium Forest National Club
11/28 London, UK Wembley Arena***

(*) No Papa Roach
(**) Featuring Eskimo Callboy
(***) With Special Guests