Devilment julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 10.8.2015

Devilment 2014 1Cradle Of Filthista tutun Dani Filthin luotsaama toinen yhtye Devilment on julkaissut Youtubessa musiikkivideon kappaleeseen nimeltä ”Sanity Hits A (Perfect) Zero” liittyen. Kappale on peräisin yhtyeen debyyttialbumilta nimeltä ”The Great And Secret Show”, joka julkaistiin viime vuonna Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Voit katsoa yhtyeen uuden videon tästä:

Dani Filth on kommentoinut yhtyeen tuoretta musiikkivideota seuraavasti:

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”It was enormous fun filming the video for ’Sanity Hits A (Perfect) Zero’ as it was decided that it would appear very chaotic, retro and dirty from an early stage, as if the discovered film stock had slightly perished with age, bringing with it a psychedelically lurid post-apocalyptic vision.
The whole experience was undertaken close to home in Suffolk at a countryside scrapyard, with friends and performers being assembled, dressed, watered and fed by the extended DEVILMENT family, with a crew ’borrowed’ from the local university.
In essence it was very much an underground guerrilla effort, the spirit of which we intended to capture on a day which fortunately fell between two bouts of horrible stormy weather, thus enabling the use of flame on what was essentially a fuel-soaked death trap waiting to ignite.
Still, all’s Hell that ends well, and we think the finished video (perfectly) compliments the madness and feral metallic adrenaline of the track heaved under the spotlight.”