Devin Townsend ja InsideOut Music juhlistavat 20-vuotista yhteistä taivalta uudella sopimuksella
Hiljattain uudella materiaalilla kiusoitellut metallimuusikko Devin Townsend ja saksalainen levy-yhtiö InsideOut Music juhlistavat 20-vuotista yhteistä historiaansa allekirjoittamalla uuden sopimuksen.
Sopimus kattaa ensi vuonna ilmestyvän ”Empath” -albumin lisäksi muita julkaisuja.
Tulevalla albumilla vierailevat Mike Keneally (Deathklok), Morgan Ågren (Kaipa, Casualties Of Cool), Anup Sastry (ex-Skyharbor), Nathan Navarro sekä Sam ”Samus” Paulicelli (Decrepit Birth). Levyllä tullaan kuulemaan myös orkesteria sekä naiskuoroa. Albumin on määrä ilmestyä maaliskuussa ja se julkaistaan Devinin sooloalbumina.
Samaan aikaan Townsend työstää myös uutta albumia Casualties Of Cool -projektilleen.
Devin kommentoi aihetta näin:
”In an industry that is tenuous at best, we need to make alliances. In opposition to the old ideas of ’us against them’ when the discussions turn to art vs commerce, we need allies. I have been an independent artist for many years, and 20 of those years have been with Inside Out Music. When others were afraid to really put effort into packaging, product, and the actual recordings, due in large part to a dwindling industry, Inside Out has championed my work since the turn of the century. Because throughout it all, more than anything, I want the art and the music to be done correctly. I want to learn from my missteps and I want a group of business partners I can rely on to go to bat for unconventional music in ways I simply could not do on my own. I’m proud to say I’ve been with Inside Out for many of those years that have defined me as an artist. It’s a pleasure to re-sign with them for my newest works. Thank you.”
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Levy-yhtiöpomo Thomas Waberin kommentit voi lukea tästä:
”I consider it to be a privilege and an honour to have been able to play a small part in enabling this truly unique artist to fulfil his artistic visions over the years. For me Devin is one of the most important and outstanding left-field artists out there today. In a musical climate where formats triumph over artistic freedom, Devin’s visions are refreshing and a much needed breath of fresh air. An alien in search for the ultimate coffee bean? Bring it on! Working with Devin and his team feels like working with family, which is something that I can’t stress and value enough. I remember when he sent me ’Physicist’ and the album sounding very alien to me, but his sensibilities for melodies and arrangements came through loud and clear and of course with ’Kingdom’ the album had one of the best tracks of all time! I am truly excited about the new album ’Empath’ and wherever else Devin will take us over the coming years!”