Devin Townsend siirtymässä studioon maaliskuussa nauhoittamaan seuraavaa albumiaan
Suomessa kovaa suosiota nauttiva kanadalainen muusikko Devin Townsend on antanut hiljattain haastattelun Metal Wanille, jossa on kertonut siirtyvänsä studioon maaliskuun 27. päivä nauhoittamaan tulevaa Devin Townsend Projectin albumia, joka tullaan julkaisemaan alustavasti syyskuussa 2016. Miehellä oli projektiin liittyen seuraavaa kerrottavaa:
“It’s about getting over it, getting over yourself, getting over… all that stuff. And I’m not saying that I am, but the point of it is that seems be the next step, right? You know I’ll get into situations with people that I’ll be really irritated by them.
And recently there’s been this sort of thing that’s been going on in my process, where I’m like ‘this is your problem,’ this is not the person that needs to change, it’s you and how you’re reacting to them and that’s kind of new.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyI think it’s because I have been so pigheaded and so selfish about so many things for so many years, I’ve spent a lot of time feeling that ‘that person needs to change’ and ‘this person needs to change.’ So in a sense this record, it’s based around the sense of like what needs to change is your reaction to these things and not them.”