Diabolical studioon

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.7.2012

Ruotsalainen death metallia soittava Diabolical on siirtynyt studioon nauhoittamaan uutta ”Neogenesis” nimeä kantavaa albumiaan. Lue lisää nähdäksesi albumin kappalelista sekä yhtyeen kitaristin Carl Stjärnlövin viestin levyyn liittyen.

”Neogenesis” kappalelista:
01. Into Oblivion
02. Metamorphosis
03. Oracle
04. Ex
05. World in Silence
06. Reincarnation of the Damned
07. Fields of Nihil
08. Dialogue with the Dead
09. Wolves’ Choir
10. The Age to Come
11. Humanitas

”Apart from being a physiological term, the title ’Neogenesis’ translates to ’new beginning.’ The word originates from greek and latin and it marks a new beginning for DIABOLICAL in many ways. Furthermore the title has a much more profound significance to the theme and concept of this album.”

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Regarding the recording process and musical direction of tne new material, he added, ”The drum tracks laid down are amazing, and we are all very excited about continuing to work on ’Neogenesis’. There are definitely some new flavors to our sound, and most importantly, the song material of ’Neogenesis’ is by far the greatest we’ve done.”